


The KIT DIGITAL program is a new public aid aimed at the digitalization of companies. The main objective of the program is to implement digital solutions that help companies reach a level of digital maturity, essential for all types of business.


The program is aimed at small businesses, micro-businesses and self-employed people who belong to any type of business or sector. Coming from European funds, the KIT DIGITAL program is a new initiative of the Ministry of Technological Affairs and Digital Transformation.


SCSolutions wants to be the digitizing agent in charge of managing your project.
From request to final delivery.



The maximum eligible amount for each company will depend on its size. Next, we will see what the maximum eligible amounts are for each company:


Segments of beneficiary companies Maximum amount granted
Segment I. Small companies with between 10 and 49 employees. 12.000 €
Segment II. Small businesses or micro-businesses with between 3 and 9 employees. 6.000 €
Segment III. Small businesses or microbusinesses with between 0 and 2 employees. 2.000 €



SCSolutions can offer digital solutions in the following areas:


1.-WEB, management and maintenance of hosting and servers.
2.-Ecommerce management and maintenance of hosting and servers.
3.-Management, maintenance of social networks.
4.-CRM – Customer management.
5.-Business Intelligence power BI.
6.-ERP – Process management.
7.-Secure communications vpn remote access SSL VPN.
8.-Cybersecurity firewall perimeter security, content management and filtering.
9.-Virtual office services and tools.


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